“Choice under Uncertainty: Problems Solved and Unsolved” has been reprinted in:

·   Current Issues in Microeconomics, ed. by John Hey, Macmillan, 1989

·   Valuing Health Risks for Environmental Decision Making, ed. by P.B. Hammond and R. Coppock, National Academy Press, 1990

·   The Limits of Rationality, ed. by Karen S. Cook and Margaret Levi, University of Chicago Press, 1990

·   Foundations of Insurance Economics, ed. by Georges Dionne and Scott Harrington, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992

·   The Economics of Uncertainty, Vol. I: Risk, ed. by John Hey, Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 1997

·   Readings in Microeconomic Theory, ed. by Manfredi La Manna, Dryden Press, 1997

·   Paradoxes, Ambiguity and Rationality, ed. by O. Hamouda and J. Rowley, Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 1997

·   The Environment, Development and Economic Analysis, Vol.1, ed. by Partha Dasgupta & Karl-Göran Mäler, Clarendon, 1997

·   Readings in Applied Microeconomic Theory: Market Forces and Solutions, ed. by Robert Kuenne, Blackwell Publishers, 2000

·   Rational Choice Theory: Critical Concepts in The Social Sciences, Vol. 2, ed. by Michael Allingham, Routledge, 2006

·   The Economics of Risk and Uncertainty (International Library of Critical Writings in Economics), ed. by Christian Gollier, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018